One of the things I was taught in business is that although people want great products and services at affordable prices, they also want their shopping experience to be a pleasant one…and SE Pool Supply & Chemical always ensures that you get to enjoy all those things.
I can speak first hand because my father-in-law has been getting his pool supplies at SE Pools for quite some time now. He’s a smart shopper, so you can count on the fact that the prices there are hard to beat. He and my mother-in-law are also really happy about the added convenience that the new location with convenient ample parking affords.
With the helpful knowledge of the folks at SE Pool Supply & Chemical, he also recently purchased an automatic, robotic pool vacuuming system with which he is absolutely thrilled. He sometimes flies up north to take care of other property they own. So my mother-in-law, who is left behind to handle things while he is gone and a bit up there in age (Shhh, she’s not real keen on anyone mentioning that last part.), is absolutely ecstatic too!
The coup de grace is the SE Pool Supply mascot, a very friendly doggie who loves belly rubs. Don’t be surprised if you are overcome by an overwhelming urge to comply!
The moral of this story is that the peeps at SE Pools love New Smyrna Beach and all the local residents in it…and, more than almost anything, they love to talk pools. So, if you have a question or two, feel free to stop by. They will do their best to make sure you are armed with all the best pool supplies and information available!